From the e-mail I sent out Jan. 11th:
Just thought I would send out a quick little update. I know some of you have sent e-mails that I'm behind on responding to. Please don't think I forgot about you, we've just been busy. Things are slowing down from the holidays and hopefully I'll have time to catch up soon. Pleas know that Seth and I really appreciate all of your well wishes.
We couldn't get video this time, but should be able to on the 20 week scan.
They were both sleeping till the tech woke them up (by bouncing the ultrasound scope on my belly), then there was no stopping them them from moving and grooving. They were both stretching out and wiggling their arms :-D Baby A kept rolling over and waving - too cute! I swear baby A was banging on the top of it's sac telling baby B to cool it up there - haha!
Baby Stats:
Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. Love from the big berries and little berries!
Baby A and Baby B headJust thought I would send out a quick little update. I know some of you have sent e-mails that I'm behind on responding to. Please don't think I forgot about you, we've just been busy. Things are slowing down from the holidays and hopefully I'll have time to catch up soon. Pleas know that Seth and I really appreciate all of your well wishes.
We couldn't get video this time, but should be able to on the 20 week scan.
They were both sleeping till the tech woke them up (by bouncing the ultrasound scope on my belly), then there was no stopping them them from moving and grooving. They were both stretching out and wiggling their arms :-D Baby A kept rolling over and waving - too cute! I swear baby A was banging on the top of it's sac telling baby B to cool it up there - haha!
Baby Stats:
Baby 'A' (closest to the cervix) is measuring at 12 weeks and 4 day (1 day ahead) with a heartbeat of 155.
Baby 'B" (up higher, closer to my belly button) is measuring at 12 weeks and 5 days (2 days ahead) with a heartbeat of 163.
Baby 'B" (up higher, closer to my belly button) is measuring at 12 weeks and 5 days (2 days ahead) with a heartbeat of 163.
They did the Nuchal translucency scan and from the measurements the tech said everything was in the normal range for both of them, hopefully the blood tests will say the same. Ultimately, the Dr. said he couldn't be happier with the pictures we got and with the way things are progressing.
Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. Love from the big berries and little berries!