Lets start off with random before bed cuteness:

Evie has started noticing her shadow. I'm sure Mina has too, but I was on Evie watch on our walk last night (and Mina and dad had hurried ahead of us). It was so cute- she was pointing to it and talking to it. She even bent down to touch it. I just wished that I had had my camera.
We also have new words to add to the girls list: Bye and we think they said some version of high five :-)
In other news, we got a package from Gradmama with Seths request for Halloween costumes hand made for the girls. Anyone want to guess what they'll be this year?

Don't worry, I'll definitely post a picture of their costumes for you all to see. Thanks Grandmama! Hope you are having fun in England, Scottland and Ireland!
- Via BlogPress on my iPhone
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