Berry Berry Busy


Our twin girls arrived a little early at 33 weeks and 4 days. They're getting bigger day by day since they blessed us with their arrival. This blog is to document their amazing feats since we know they'll grow up entirely too fast.

Glucose tolerance test results

So I got a call from my doctor around 4pm yesterday with my results.  He said I passed (but by the skin of my teeth).  Basically he is suggesting that I cut out all sweets and monitor my carbohydrate intake just to be on the safe side.  We've got our check up scheduled on Monday with our 28 week sonogram to check on the little berry girls so I'm hoping to go talk to him about how strict I really need to be.  I already make the choice of complex carbs over simple carbs when I have the option so I would like a little more direction as far as What exactly my 'limit' is.  I'm a little frustrated that the one time in my life I'm supposed to have a little leniency regarding food, I can't take advantage of it.  Then again, I am very lucky to have two happy healthy little girls and I want to make sure to keep them that way.  I'll do anything for my little girls.

On Monday's appointment we're also planning on asking the doctor if we can go a head and 'schedule' a date during the week that he was anticipating we'd get to meet the girls.  That is unless the girls pick a date before that, but the plan is to hold out for as long as we can.

Baby Related classes:
Seeing as how we're probably going to have a cesarean section, when the woman from Presby called to tell me they were moving my Multiples Lamaze class to another day I went ahead and canceled it and scheduled a cesarean section class that will include a hospital tour.  That class will be on Wednesday, March 19th.  I have the breastfeeding class the next day on the 20th.  That week is really going to be busy since my mom will come in on Friday night and we'll have my local baby shower on Saturday!  June 14th we have our Babycare and CPR class.  We're also looking at scheduling baptismal classes soon too.  Hopefully that will get us all caught up on classes :-D

Purchased, put together, and photographed -

Aren't they lovely!

We finally had the opportunity to go through all of our shower gifts too and put them in places.  Everything is really starting to come together!  Now I just need to finish up all the thank you notes.


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